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The pharmacy mart currently has 3 data tables, focused around brand and generic analysis.


This model contains a row for each claim and line number of each brand that had a generic available. It calculates an opportunity amount for claim and line.

Primary Key:

  • data_source
  • claim_id
  • claim_line_number
ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology


This model contains a row for each generic ndc that is available (for a given brand ndc code). It can be joined back to the pharmacy_claim_expanded table on the generic_available_sk column.

Primary Key:

  • generic_available_sk
  • generic_ndc
ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology


This model contains a row for pharmacy claim and line. It includes the columns from core.pharmacy_claim, but adds the output of the additional calculations done in the pharmacy mart.

Primary Key:

  • data_source
  • claim_id
  • claim_line_number
ColumnData TypeDescriptionTerminology